Imagination Companions, A Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends Wiki
The Unknown Friend

The Unknown Friend is an imaginary friend who periodically cracks jokes that other friends in the house consider to be lame.


The Unknown Friend is an imaginary friend who has a paper bag for a head and the body of a rubber chicken. He wears a fake arrow on his head and a pair of Groucho glasses.


The Unknown Friend first appears in "Phone Home", where after seeing the guy in the cellphone suit running through the house, he makes a comment about mobile phones.

In "Setting a President", he is seen sorting trash alphabetically with Frankie and other friends. When realizing that Frankie has had enough of Mr. Herriman's unfair, unreasonable, and uncaring orders, he points out the rabbit has her hopping mad. Later, when Frankie decides to run for house president, she promises that imaginary friends who make bad jokes will be given a pity laughter.

In "Bad Dare Day", Mac dares the Unknown Friend to tattoo the Declaration of Independence on his own body. The friend faints upon hearing this, making Mac the winner of that round.

In "Fools and Regulations", Mr. Herriman decides to let the Unknown Friend entertain the donors while he and Frankie are away. However, Herriman realizes this was a bad idea, so he replaces him with Boomer.

His final appearance is in "Goodbye to Bloo", where he is seen doing comedy with the New Guy in the Foster's auditorium, as well as attending Mac's surprise party.

Episode Appearances[]

Season 1[]

Season 2[]


Season 3[]

Season 4[]

Season 5[]

Season 6[]


  • He is listed in the credits of "Seeing Red" and "Phone Home" as "Chicken."
  • He is labeled as a "beagle-puss chicken friend" in the credits of "Imposter's Home for Um... Make 'Em Up Pals".
  • According to Frankie on the Complete Season 2 DVD, the Unknown Friend once performed at a local college's freedom of speech festival, which resulted in the college's cafeteria removing factory-made chicken.


Main Article: The Unknown Friend/Gallery
