ACT 1[]
Eduardo on TV[]
Bloo fakes cold on TV[]
[Bloo covers a green blanket on himself by wrapping the blanket all around him]
Bloo meets Kip Snip[]
Deo-Brand Deodorant Commercial[]
[The Background changes to A Swimming Pool with Girls and a boy with Body Oder, which disgusts some girls spots andcomes up to three girls.]
BODY ODER BOY: Ah, hey there. [But the Body Oder smell from him causes the Three Girls to pinch their nose in disgust] Aw Nits, Body Oder, you got man again.
Black-Swimsuit Sunglasses Girl: Hey, what's that? [The Body Oder Boy Looks behind him and then Bloo (As Deo) smashes through the wall.]
BLOO (AS DEO): Got B.O.? Get DEO!
BODY ODER BOY: Wow, it's Deo! The Deodorant Ally! [Bloo (As Deo) uses his deodorant powers to zap the Boy with his deodorant stench.]
BODY ODER BOY: Wow, it's fast-acting and Magical.
Black-Swimsuit Sunglasses Girl: I like any purse rake Guys. [Kisses the Boy while Bloo (As Deo) jumps hi into the sky from the dive board)
Announcer: Deo-Brand Deodorant, DEO WITH IT! Strong enough for
ACT 2[]
Deo becomes Worldwide Popular)[]
Man: "Hey, DEO. Say your catchphase for me!"
Bloo (as DEO): "Got B.O.? Get DEO!"
ACT 3[]
Foster's Home[]
(Frankie, Mac, Coco, Wilt and Eduardo are sitting at the front stairs, sadly)
MAC: I can't believe he didn't say hi to us.
FRANKIE: Well, maybe he didn't see you?
MAC: Oh, he saw us. I guess he's just too big of a star now.
EDUARDO: No.. Must be 'nother reason.
COCO: Coo cococo cococo..
MAC: He looked me right in the eyes, you guys. And I looked into his!
WILT: What did you see?
MAC: Nothing..
Hollywood Movie Studio[]
(Bloo is locked in a crate in a dark room, while Kip Snip is counting money)
BLOO: Let me call Mac just once! I miss him!
KIP SNIP: I told you, you don't need him anymore! It's easier for you if you cut him out cold turkey!
BLOO: But.
KIP SNIP: Hey! Celebrities don't complain! (he turns out the light and closes the door, while a crying Bloo watches helplessly)
(Cut to Mac's apartment on a rainy night, while sad piano music starts playing. Mac looks out of the window and looks at the picture frame of Bloo sadly. Flashback to House of Bloo's where Bloo pounces onto Mac, in slow motion. We then see Bloo in the cage, looking out of the window too. Flashback to Mac and Bloo slowly pouring ketchup onto a burger. Cut to Mac looking into the stars, which spell out "I MISS YOU". Bloo sees the words and is confused. He rubs his eyes and now the stars say "That was weird". He hangs his head slowly as the scene fades into daytime)
The Show Begins[]
[The Scene changes to a Hospital Room and Bloo (as Deo) rushes to the Doctor)
BLOO: Doctor! Doctor! My Wife thinks she's a Porcupine! [Shows a picture of a Porcupine]
DOCTOR: Wow, That's a Prickly Situation! [Both Start Dancing and Stopped]
BLOO: DOCTOR! DOCTOR! I just swallowed a Roll of twirl.
DOCTOR: Well, that's how nothing develops [Both Start Dancing again and Stopped]
BLOO: DOCTOR! DOCTOR! Kip the Producers forces me to sleep in a Cage!
DOCTOR: Well, sounds like a two tense! (The Doctor starts dancing while Bloo (As Deo) means it Literally) Um, Hey, what did you say?
BLOO: Nothing. [Kip Snips chops his fingers nails like a beaver while his cover is almost blown.]