Imagination Companions, A Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends Wiki
Imagination Companions, A Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends Wiki

"Something Old Something Bloo" is the fourth episode in season 5 of Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.


SPOILER: Plot details follow.

Bloo visits a retirement home and inadvertently disguises himself as a senior, getting to live there and being pampered all day long. When Mac finds out about it, Madame Foster teams up with him in order to get Bloo out of there.

Spoilers end here.

Characters present[]

Bloo, Clambake, Coco, Eduardo, Frankie Foster, Hugo, Jackie Khones, Jethro Precious, Mac, Madame Foster, Morty, Mr. Herriman, Mr. Oldcoot, Myron Giant, One Eye Cy, Phineus B. Vurm, Pinecone Cola, Spritz Coleman, Sunset Junction, Wilt


  • In real life, retirement homes charge rent to their residents, yet Bloo was allowed to have access to room, food and TV for free. It is possible that the home made an exception for imaginary friends, as many of them have no source of income.
  • This is one of the rare times Madame Foster's eyes are seen without eyewear.

Cultural references[]

  • Madame Foster's song references the 1966 Batman TV series theme.