Imagination Companions, A Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends Wiki

Scribbles are a species of imaginary friend known as the first friends created by infants.


The Scribbles are imaginary friends who are practically incomplete due to them just being "scribbles". Each one is made of black, curvy lines.


The Scribbles only appear in "The Trouble With Scribbles". Bloo becomes very curious about a secret door, and after he has a nightmare about said door, he rushes out of bed to open the door. At first, a few Scribbles leave the room, but then a stampede of them bursts out, making Bloo realize his mistake.

The house has become flooded with Scribbles, and Mac scolds Bloo for what he did. Bloo tells Mac that the Scribbles are friendly, which Mac doesn't believe. Frankie then tells Mac that they are, indeed, imaginary friends. Mr. Herriman, who calls the Scribbles "bothersome, mindless, annoying and considerable nuisances", tells the true events of Frankie letting out the Scribbles when she was a little girl, and says that they must be kept behind the secret door, even though it doesn't look like they enjoy it there. Eventually, Mac joins Bloo's side and lets out all the Scribbles again.

Mac and Bloo, both in trouble, think of some way to prevent the Scribbles from being locked up again. When Mac sees Bloo getting refreshments served by a Scribble, another Scribble tuning the radio, and two Scribbles cleaning a mess, Mac gets an idea on how they can be useful. Soon, the Scribbles are doing chores such as ironing and folding clothes. However, Frankie tells one Scribble to do a few things, causing it to shriek, and Bloo explains to her that each Scribble is capable of doing only one thing. He demonstrates by making three Scribbles to do the dishes: one to wash, one to dry, and another to put them away.

Eventually, however, the residents of the house start seeing the Scribbles as servants and become lazier, making them do tasks such as change TV channels and turn book pages, much to Mac's annoyance. Mr. Herriman also gets annoyed, seeing them rearrange his office without his permission. When a family arrives looking to a new imaginary friend, Mr. Herriman gets an idea when they notice the Scribbles cleaning the house. Soon enough, almost all of the Scribbles have been adopted, much to Frankie and Bloo's disappointment. When both see one Scribble remaining, Frankie begs for it to be the toilet scrubber, but it turns out to be the one that blows raspberries, to Bloo's luck.


  • At the end of the episode, it's implied that a Scribble cannot change tasks, as when there was one Scribble left, Frankie hoped that it was a toilet scrubbing Scribble, but it was the one that blows raspberries, leaving Bloo with joy.
  • The Scribbles were inspired by the creatures from the Star Trek universe known as Tribbles, as both invade their respective shows' main setting and are seen as troublesome.
  • Due to them being created by babies this possibly implies that every child who has created an imaginary friend later in life has created a Scribble when they were a baby as well.