Imagination Companions, A Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends Wiki

Red is a large, red, block-like friend who first appeared in "Seeing Red", created by Terrence in an effort to get rid of Bloo.


Red is a large, red block with large, blocky fists. He has thick arms and no legs, although he is able to hop around. He has a large unibrow and large eyes with small pupils. He has a wide mouth and bulky teeth (which look similar to Terrence's).

Red is extremely heavy, weighing around 400 pounds, and because he jumps everywhere, he shakes the ground every time he moves. He is very strong, able to fling Terrence a massive distance and break down the doors to the home.


Red initially appeared as an aggressive, hulking imaginary friend who wanted to smash things. However, Red is not very intelligent; Despite Terrence's instructions, Red does not know how to hurt things (When told to "smash Bloo", he found a bunch of flowers and smelled them.). Beneath the hard exterior, Red is very sensitive. He took great delight in feeding the imaginary fish friends, dancing for the imaginary bees and complimenting the imaginary ponies. When he believes that no one likes him, he quickly grows miserable and is even more devastated when he accidentally crushes some flowers.



Despite Terrence being his creator, Red was initially only neutral towards Terrence. He wasn't sure how to do what Terrence requested, but he learned quickly. Later, Terrence berates him for being nice to Bloo and crushes the flowers that Bloo gave him, making Red absolutely furious. He says that he doesn't like what Terrence is saying, insists that he's not a bad, mean person and that "RED NICE GUY!!" and throws Terrence.


When told to smash Bloo, Red assumed that Terrence wanted him to smell flowers, implying that he wasn't a very dangerous, mean guy at all. Bloo realized that Terrence created Red, so he tries to beat Red around by taking him to the stables, beehive and aquarium. Bloo eventually realizes that Red isn't all bad and apologizes.

Red immediately becomes friends with Bloo and defends him from Terrence. In the credits, he is seen with the man in the cell phone suit, trying to call Bloo.


Red didn't interact with Mac at all during the episode, as while he and Bloo were together, Terrence was bullying Mac. However, after throwing Terrence away, he hugs Bloo and Mac both, declaring that they are his friends.


  • Red cameos in "Goodbye to Bloo" at Mac's going away party, and his signature is shown inside Mac's goodbye card.
  • His personality and mannerism are similar to that of The Incredible Hulk from the Marvel comics, due to him speaking in third person, his super-strength and his temper.

