Imagination Companions, A Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends Wiki

Act 1[]

Scene 1: Bloo's Room[]

Scene 2: Hallways/Foster's Foyer[]

[Bloo walks up to the desk, where Mac and Frankie, who recieved a pile of letters, are reading some]

MAC: Hey, Bloo.

BLOO: Hey, Spoilsport. Hey, hot chick. what's going on?

MAC: We just got a bunch of mail from all the friends adopted last week.

BLOO: Ooh, any news from Ed?!

MAC: [annoyed] What do you care? Haven't you replaced him already?

BLOO: I've got a few potential candidates.

FRANKIE: Best Adopt-A-Thought Saturday ever if I do say so myself. [holds up a letter] Listen to this... "I couldn't be happier". [holds up another letter] And this.... " I love my family!" [pulls out a third letter from the pile] "I have found paradise on Earth. Thank you, Foster's!"

MAC: Here's one from Eight-Armed Evan. [reads it] "I'm writing to seven of my little boy's pen pals while I write this note to you. I have never felt more fulfilled,"

FRANKIE: Here's one from... [confused] Cheese? [reads the letter anyway] “Dear, voice-man, please send me this

Scene 3: Various places/Foster's Foyer[]

Act 2[]

Scene 4: Foster's Foyer[]

[Later, Bloo is looking out the window, waiting for the mail]

BLOO: Come on. Come on.

[Wilt and Coco show up behind him]

WILT: Hey, Bloo.

BLOO: [thinking Wilt and Coco know what he's doing] Waiting?! Who says I'm waiting for anything?

[Wilt and Coco look at each other, confused]

WILT: You're waiting for something?

BLOO: [lying] No, nothing. I am not waiting for the mail.

WILT: [still confused] So you're not waiting for the mail.

BLOO: Of course not! What do I care if we get another letter from Eduardo? Where did you get a crazy idea like that?

WILT: Uh... You just gave it to me.

[The doorbell rings]
