Imagination Companions, A Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends Wiki
Imagination Companions, A Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends Wiki

Editor's Note: Though this transcript is now finished, do keep in mind that it still has either gibberish words or incomplete sentences, so it's technically not finished. If you know any sentences, please put them in the comments section. The transcript of Partying is Such Sweet Soiree


Act 1[]

[Frankie and Madame Foster are outside ready for their trip. Mr. Herriman comes out.]

Mr. Herriman: Enjoy your trip, and rest assure that everything will be in perfect order upon your return this evening. [Madame Foster ponders for a moment.] You have my word.

Madame Foster: I'm gonna hold you to it, bunny. Now don't wait up!

[The bunny waves goodbye to the elder. He closes the door to realize Bloo is there. He screams in fright.]

Bloo: Helloooo, Mr. Herriman.

Mr. Herriman: (sigh) Master Blooregard.

Bloo: You left them on the store on your own, huh? Sure you can keep cool and relax for under pressure?

Mr. Herriman: Heh, of course. What do I have to worry about?

Madame Foster: Oh, I almost forgot; No wild parties.

Both: Wild parties?! [They look at each other.]

Madame Foster: Ta ta!

Mr. Herriman: Master Bloo, I will have you know I've sworn to apo the integrity of this house. I trust I can count on you to refrain from your usual numbskull plots, and knuckleheaded shinanegans.

Bloo: Uh, they're really more like hairbrain schemes.

Mr. Herriman: If they were hairbrain, they'd be clever! Now, do we have an understanding?

Bloo: I respect your authority without question.

[Mr. Herriman looks at Bloo with a concerned look.]

Bloo: You have my word...That this will be the wildest, partiest, housiest house party this house has ever partied!

[The scene pans out to reveal many imaginary friends, including Wilt, Eduardo, and Coco.]


[Everyone cheers.]

Bloo: You, get the disco ball and strobe lights. You, get the beads and feathers. You, get the candy and soda pop. I'm gonna get rid of Herriman.

Eduardo: How are you gonna do that?

Bloo: How am I gonna do that? HOW AM I GONNA DO THAT?! Seriously, How am I gonna do that? I got nothing.

Eduardo: Um... Oh! Okay, uh, how about you tell Mr. Herriman you gonna have the party, and then, you invite him to the party.

Wilt: Have you lost your marbles?

Eduardo: I don't have no marbles!

Wilt: There's only one way to get rid of that rabbit, and that's-

Coco: Coo cococo co co co co co co cocococo!

Wilt: Ooooh, that's much better then my idea!

[Later on...]

[Wilt grabs the phone.]

Bloo: This is never gonna work.

Coco: Coco!

[Coco dials the number.]

Bloo: He's gonna know it's you.

Mr. Herriman: Hello? Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends, how may I be of assistance?

Coco: co co co, cococococococo?

Mr. Herriman: Is my refrigerator running?

[Mr. Herriman ponders for a moment.]

Mr. Herriman: Why yes, I think it is.

Coco: Cococococo co co!

[Mr. Herriman gasps.]

Mr Herriman: I better go catch it indeed!

[Mr. Herriman hangs up and leaves the house in search for the runaway refrigerator. Bloo and Eduardo watch him leave.]

Bloo: I stand corrected. Now let's...

[The scene cuts to a close-up of DJ.]

DJ: Get this party started!

[The scene pans out to reveal the party's dance floor. Bloo is seen walking past the dance floor.]

Bloo: What's shaking, Shakey?

[The two high five.]

Bloo: How it's hanging, Hangy?

[Hangy unravels their right wing.]

[Bloo heads to the dining room.]

Bloo: Hey, how's my favorite fruit punch coming?

[Billy the Squid hands some punch to Bloo. He gives it a taste test, but then spits it out.]

Billy: Too sweet?

Bloo: No, too sour. Needs more sugar.

[Bloo heads back to the dance floor, as he watches two imaginary friends trying to hula-hoop.]

Bloo: It's all in the hips, guys. It's all in the hip-

[Someone is heard knocking on the door. Everything stops as the door opens. That someone appears to be...]

All: MAC!

[Mac is surprised, and looks around.]

Mac: Hey, everybody.

Bloo: Macalaka, so glad you could make it! Now, we got your music and snacks over here, with friends and some snacks over there, games in the parlor and common rooms, and on the sixth floor, Ring Around the Rosie, if you know what I mean.

Mac: Not really.

Bloo: Yeah, me neither.

Mac: Wait, aren't Frankie and Foster gone for the day?

Bloo: Yep.

Mac: And Mr. Herriman's letting you throw a party?

Bloo: Yeah right. I mean, yeah right! It was all his idea. I have nothing to do with it.

[A banner is revealed. It reads: "Bloo's House Party".]

[Mac looks at Bloo with a mean face.]

Bloo: Oh, stop with the face, just relax! I gotta go mingle.

[Bloo rushes off as the scene cuts to Sassyfrass and Coco walking together.]

Sassyfrass: Let's hurry 'cause, y'know who's gonna be here.

[The two laugh, as they run past Wilt and Eduardo.]

Wilt: Everyone's soooo loving this party!

Duchess: I am soooo loafing this party.

Wilt: It's great! I've been needing to cut loose!

[Wilt shows off his dance moves.]

Dancey: Look's like we've got ourselves a dance here.

Wilt: Hiya, Dancey!

Dancy's sidekick: That's Dancey Pantalones to you!

Wilt: Oh, sorry, my bad. Hiya, Dancey Pantalones!

Dancy: So, you like dancing, do you?

Wilt: Sure do.

Dancy: Well, I'm gonna teach you what dancing...

[Dancy shows off his dance moves.]

Dancy: ...Is all about.

Wilt: Great!

[Eduardo is concerned.]

Dancy: You, me. The dance floor. Tonight.

Wilt: Sounds like fun!

Dancy: Oh, you'll see how much fun it is!

[Dancy grabs his partner, and moon walks away.]

Wilt: Fairway!

[The scene cuts to Mac rushing down a hallway. The scene then cuts to him and Duchess on a split screen.]

Both: Where is he?

[A certain someone's laughing is heard.]

Both: Bloo!

[Mac and Duchess find Bloo talking to Jackie Khones.]

Bloo: So we're in this house, right? And I've gotta get rid of Ol' Stuffy Rules and Company, so I come up with this amazing plan and ask him if his refrigerator is running, and he totally falls for it just like I knew he would. So then we threw this great party...

Mac: Bloo, we gotta talk.

Bloo: Just a sec. And here we are, at the great party, having it.

Duchess: That is the problem. This party is unauthorized, and more importantly, it is interfering with my 23-hours of beauty sleep!

Bloo: And they wanna shoot for 24...

Duchess: [angrily] OOH! You are going to get in big trouble for this!

Bloo: Oh, you're just sore 'cause you didn't get invited.

[Duchess gets more angry.]

Mac: Bloo, I hate to say it, I really hate to say it, but I think Icky Von Yuck Yuck might be right!

Bloo: You've taken sides with Blickey McBarf!?

Mac: No, I just think Grossie Grossenstein has a point!

Duchess: I am calling Madame Foster this instant! When she hears about this, your days in this house will be numbered!

Bloo: Fine! Call her! See what I care!

[Bloo snaps his fingers, causing One Eye Cy to arrive to the scene.]

Cy: Yeah, boss?

Bloo: See to it Ol' Ug-Mug doesn't get near a phone.

Cy: Got it.

[Cy leaves.]

Mac: You're pushing your luck, and Mr. Herriman's gonna be back soon and-

Bloo: I told you already, it's taken care of.


Mr. Herriman: Refrigerator running...Refrigerator running...

[Mr. Herriman finds the refrigerator.]


[Cut to black.]

ACT 2[]

[Cut back to Mac and Bloo walking down a hallway.]

Mac: Look! I don't wanna see you get in trouble again. It's bad for my rep!

Bloo: Do I have to fight for my right to party?

Mac: How about fighting for your right not to get kicked out of the house?

Bloo: Pasha! You worry to much, loosen up! Here!

[Bloo snaps his fingers, causing an imaginary friend to arrive with a plate full of candy.]

Bloo: Have some candy!

[Mac has a shocked expression.]

Mac: Uh...No thanks.

Bloo: Oh, come on, it's just-

Mac: I said no thanks!

[Bloo follows Mac, who bumps into Shakey, and rests on a couch. Bloo finds him, making him jump.]

Bloo: Alright there, champ?

Mac: Fine! Uh, dandy!

Bloo: Then why not have a piece of candy?

[Bloo hands in a lollipop, showing it off in front of Mac.]

Mac: Bloo, please! You better stop!

Bloo: Just wanna offer you some soda-pop!

[Bloo reveals Orange soda-pop. Mac gasps and runs away. Bloo follows him.]

Mac: You wouldn't like me when I eat sugar!

Bloo: Can't resist this Sour Jelly Bogor!

[A close-up of the Sour Jelly Bogor, then of Mac's eye. Mac screams and runs away. The scene then cuts to the dining room with Billy, who has run out of sugar.]

Billy: That oughta do it.

[Mac, still running from Bloo, rams into Billy with the fruit punch, causing it to fly into the air. Multiple droplets fall around Mac, as one heads straight for his mouth.]


[The droplet lands on his tongue, causing his eye pupils to get bigger, along with with his mouth, which has turned into a wide smile. Billy checks to see if Mac is okay, but Mac instantly gets up. He is now undergoing a sugar rush.]

Mac: Suuugaaar...

[Mac spots Bloo holding pieces of candy.]

Mac: Sugar!

[Mac grabs hold of Bloo's candy, and shoves it into his mouth.]


[Mac screams and runs off.]

Billy: What's gotten into him?

Bloo: Sugar.


Duchess: Now to put an end to his little party!

[As Duchess is about to grab the phone, Cy snatches it.]

Cy: Blah, blah, blah.

[Cy looks at Duchess.]

Cy: Uh, gonna be a while. Blah, blah blah blah blah. Blah, blah blah blah blah, blah.

Sassyfrass: [Gasp] It's Chick Cluckers!

Coco: Co?

Sassyfrass: No no no no, don't look! [Looks at Chick.] Okay, okay, look look look look!

[Chick notices the two.]

Sassyfrass: [Laughs] He's totally looking at you! He's so checking you out!

[Chick grins.]

[Close-up of Coco.]

[Close-up of Chick, who winks.]

Coco: Coo.....Coco!

[Coco lays an egg, hearts hatching out of it as Coco runs towards Chick. Chick's luck vanishes as Coco runs past him, trying to give a hug. As it turns out, Coco has actually fallen in love with a lamp. Chick sadly walks away, as a sugar-crazed Mac runs past the screen with a bee hive. Bees follow him as the scene cuts to a board game wheel on the stomach of an imaginary friend.]

Imaginary Friend: Left foot, Green!

[Mac runs past the screen, laughing.]


Dancy's sidekick: With the worst reputation.

Wilt: Sorry Eduardo, but you're getting worked up over nothing!

Eduardo: Nothing? You lost your marbles?

Wilt: No, they're right here!

[Wilt grabs a jar of marbles and hands it to Eduardo.]


[Mac takes ice cream from Handy, and a piece of candy from a Big Fat Baby, causing it to cry.]

Pokey Toehair: Is Mac okay?

Bloo: That kid? Pbbht, he's fine.

[The scene cuts to Mac biting off a giant gummy bear's ear. The scene then cuts to Duchess walking towards the phone, but Cy stops her.]

Duchess: Look over there!

[As Cy is distracted, Duchess continues walking towards the phone.]

Duchess: Victory!

[As Duchess is about to grab the phone, it turns out that the phone is alive, and runs away.]



Mr Herriman: OOOOOH! Of all the things you pulled, When I get home, I'm gonna give you a right one for!

[The scene cuts back to Bloo taking a sip of his Orange soda-pop.]

Handy: Things are getting out of hand!

Bloo: You always say that.

Gummy Bear: Your friend ate half my ear.

Bloo: You always say that.

Gummy Bear: No, I don't!

Baby: Look! Mac has gone crazy!

Bloo: Yeah, I know. He gets his way whenever he has sugar. That's why his mom never lets him have any. [Takes another sip.]

Handy: But if you know, then why with the sugar?

Bloo: 'Cause it's a party!

Gummy Bear: Well, he's ruining the party!

Baby: And you better do something about it!

Bloo: Whoa, whoa, relax. Don't you think you're overreacting?

[Mac is seen in the punch bowl, splashing everyone around him, laughing. He then puts the bowl on his head, and runs off.]

Bloo: Um...Maybe I should go talk to him. [Takes one final sip before throwing the can onto the ground.]


Duchess: Oh, Mac...

[Mac turns to Duchess' attention.]

Duchess: Is this what you're looking for?

[The shot zooms in on Duchess' box of chocolates. Mac's eyes widen as he follows Duchess, but is stopped.]

Duchess: There's something you need to do for me first.

[Duchess checks if anyone is blocking the phone.]

Duchess: Good, good. Now dial the number, quickly.

[Mac, who is now on the phone, dials the number, quickly. Someone answers the phone.]

Madame Foster: Hello?


Bloo: [Takes the phone from Mac.] Wrong number! [Puts it away.] What are you doing?!

Duchess: You sugar coated idiot! You can't even hold on to a phone! You've ruined everything!


Duchess: There will be no chocolate for you!


Bloo: Chocolates? You tried to sell us out for Duchess' stupid chocolates?!

Duchess: I have you know they're stupid gourmet chocolates!


Bloo: Man, I don't even know you are anymore. I don't know what made you think it was a good idea to eat sugar, but-


Bloo: Maybe the other friends were right. Maybe you are ruining this party.


Bloo: You're right. Maybe I do ruin chocolate. Be that as it may, you're not getting any more.

[Mac stutters.]


[Mac then spots Duchess' box of chocolates. He grabs the box.]

Bloo: Mac! No!

[Mac eats the chocolates whole and starts making weird noises.]

Bloo: Let's just calm down.

[Mac makes more noises.]


Bloo: Calm down.

[Mac, who starts screaming again, speeds away.]

Bloo: Mac, you gotta calm down! You gotta calm-

DJ: [Finishes Bloo's sentence.] -down on the dance floor. Everybody come down on the dance floor!

DJ: Dancy, Wilt, move it like a U-HAUL.

[Wilt and Dancy dance, while Bloo chases Mac.]


[The shot pans up to reveal Mac.]


[The scene cuts to Mac, holding a bag of Fizzy Rocks, and an Orange soda-pop. The scene does a close-up of said sugar-filled items.]

[Cut to black.]

ACT 3[]

[Cut back to Bloo.]

Bloo: Mac! Put the candy down!

[Mac, who doesn't listen, maniacally laughs as he consumes both the Fizzy Rocks, and the Orange soda-pop.]


[Mini explosions happen in Mac's mouth, as he blasts onto the banner, causing it to rip in half. Mac uses it as a vine as he flies across the room. Eduardo barely misses Mac, as he drops his jar of marbles.]

Eduardo: Ae, I lost my marbles!

[Eduardo's marbles fall on the ground, making Wilt slip-dance. Dancy watches in shock.]

Dancy: Alright! Alright! You win! You know how I'll be!

[Dancy grabs his partner, and moon walks away. Wilt finally loses grip, as he slides into a bunch of imaginary friends, Coco and her lamp stand next to the scene, and Coco gives her lamp a hug...right before Mac hits her. Coco, to her surprise, sees her lamp broken in half.]


[Bloo emerges from the crowd of people, just in time to see Mac go ballistic, as he storms off with all his clothes taken off.]

Bloo: MAC!

[A now nude Mac's undies fly onto Bloo's face, as the scene cuts to Mr. Herriman scolding at the newly found refrigerator.]

Mr. Herriman: I cannot believe it! I am absolutely outraged! What made you think you can get away with this!? And furthermore-

[The scolding is interrupted by a naked Mac running out of the house]


[Bloo removes Mac's undies from his face. He looks up to see Mr. Herriman and the refrigerator standing in front of him.]

Bloo: Uh...Surprise?

Mr. Herriman: And we will finish discussing the pitfalls of unauthorized running later, Fridgy. I have a more pressing matter to attend to.

Bloo: Um...We've been robbed? Faulty plumbing? Monsue season? Winter, um, wintime?

Mr. Herriman: Looks more like a wild party.

Bloo: Wild party? There was no wild party! Now if you excuse me, I gotta go catch my naked friend.

Mr. Herriman: Master Bloo, you're not going anywhere! You have violated at least 16 major house statues in this room alone! And even more reprehensible, you have violated your word, Master Bloo! Your word!

Bloo: Oh yeah! Well...You gave Madame Foster your word. You gave her your word that you'll be able to handle the house on your own. You gave her your word that everything would be in perfect order upon her return. Your word that there would be no wild parties, Mr. Herriman! YOUR WORD! And me keeping my word is clearly depended on you keeping your word, which you clearly couldn't keep.

Mr. Herriman: Your point?

Bloo: The house is in shambles, everyone's favorite 8-year old is off tearing through the town in his birthday suit, and you're gonna have to explain to sweet old Madame Foster how it all happened on your watch.

[Mr. Herriman gasps in shock and nearly faints as he realizes Bloo is right.]

Mr. Herriman: Oh no! What am I gonna do!?

Bloo: I suggest we roundup Ol' Nudie first. We're gonna need some serious speed to catch that sugar demon.

Mr. Herriman: What exactly are you driving at?

Bloo: To the Foster's bus!

Eduardo: The bus no here. Frankie has it.

Bloo: Aw, man! I guess we'll just have to take Madame Foster's car.

[Bloo and the gang then drive out of the garage and onto the road. Eduardo, though, is left behind.]

Bloo: Sorry, Eduardo, not enough room!

[Eduardo walks back to the garage and grabs his bike. Meanwhile, Bloo is seen driving very fast, making car noises.]

Mr. Herriman: Master Bloo, is that quite necessary?

Bloo: Yes.

[Bloo makes more car noises.]

Mr. Herriman: How will you see the license I'll never know!?

Bloo: License?

Wilt: There he is!

[Mac is seen running across the street. Bloo makes a turn, while Eduardo rides slowly on his bike. The scene cuts back to Mac, who reaches a dead end. He sees the car, and takes cover. Bloo puts a blanket on him and Mac starts to shiver.]

Bloo: Hey, pal. We okay?

Mac: [With fangs] Suugaar...

Bloo: What's that?

Mac: S- Suugaar! Need...Suuugaaar!

Bloo: Oh, sugar! You mean like this piece of gum?

[Bloo shows Mac the piece of gum.]

Mac: SUGAR! Fresh sugar!

[Mac eats the gum, but immediately spits it out.]


[Wilt grabs Mac and puts him in the car. The scene cuts to Bloo driving back to Foster's.]

Mac: [Coughs] You said... [Coughs again] ...It was sugar!

Bloo: Right, sugar! Sugar-free.

[Everyone screams as the traffic lights turn red.]


Wilt: Huh? Oh, right! Sorry.

[Wilt puts on the breaks and the car stops.]

Bloo: That was close.

[Suddenly, the Foster's bus pulls up next to Madame Foster's car. Frankie is seen driving the bus, taking the elder home. She looks out the window to see Bloo and the others in the car. She looks away, but then turns back out the window to see Bloo wearing a mustache and a hat, Mr. Herriman and Wilt dressed as women, and Coco in a sweater with her hair down. As the car drives off, she looks back to see Eduardo on his bike.]

Eduardo: Hola, Frankie! Oh, I mean, hola, Frankie!

[The scene cuts to the car going at a fast pace, breaking through fences and flying back into the garage. The house doors swing open, as it appears Frankie and Madame Foster have returned.]

Mr. Herriman: Um...

Bloo: Madame Foster! Frankie! We go out for five minutes, and you come home and trash the place! While I for one am speechless. Speechless, I tell you! Speechless!

Madame Foster: Mr. Herriman, I am severely disappointed in you.

Mr Herriman: But, Madame, I-

Madame Foster: Oh! I am no fool, bunny! It is more then clear what occurred here today! I told you explicitly, implicitly, and unequevently, no wild parties...

[Mr. Herriman is seen worried, as he closes his eye, expecting the worst.]

Madame Foster: ...Without me! [Laughs] You know how much I love wild parties!

[Mr. Herriman, in surprise, flies out of the room.]

Madame Foster: DJ, put the needle on the record!

[The party music resumes.]

Madame Foster: [Laughs] Yeah! Get down with your backs out! WOOO!

Duchess: Madame Foster! Madame Foster! Bloo has thrown a wild party and-

[Everyone is seen dancing, except Mac.]

Mac: [Shivers] Sugar...

Duchess: Nevermind.

[She leaves as the scene cuts to the outside of Foster's, ending the episode.]
