Imagination Companions, A Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends Wiki

Louise is one of Mac's neighbors and Cheese's creator. She only appears in two episodes but is mentioned in a few episodes that feature Cheese.


Louise is a young girl with red pigtails. She is seen wearing a red-and-white striped shirt, a purple dress with a yellow star, teal pants, white shoes, and a mouthguard.


Louise imagined Cheese, who is known to often get out of her apartment. In "Mac Daddy", Cheese enters Mac's room, and when Mac wakes up, Cheese appears in his bed, leading Mac to believe that he had created Cheese. Towards the end of that same episode, Mac finds out that Louise had created Cheese and she had explained that Cheese occasionally wanders off.

In "Cheese a Go-Go", Frankie brings Cheese back to Louise's apartment after a long day of chasing him around town. When Frankie asks where Cheese had to go, Louise simply explained that Cheese just "had to go."

In "Goodbye to Bloo", Mac claims that Louise and her family are moving into another apartment, specifically one that has a "no pets or imaginary friends" policy. This means that Louise has to give up her imaginary friend, Cheese, and that Cheese has to live at Foster's, much to everyone's horror.

Episode Appearances[]
