Imagination Companions, A Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends Wiki

Hootin' Andy is a nocturnal imaginary friend who makes occasional appearances throughout the show.


Hootin' Andy is a brown owl-like imaginary friend who wears a white shirt with a black necktie covered slightly by a red vest worn over it.


Hootin' Andy's biggest role by far is in "Setting a President", where he is seen sorting trash alphabetically with Frankie and other friends. Hootin' Andy requests to have his sleep schedule changed to adjust to his nocturnal sleeping habits, to which Mr. Herriman stubbornly ignores, and he continues to force Hootin' Andy to stay up when he would otherwise be asleep and saying if he would pick up the pace, he would finish in time to take a nap. When Frankie is elected house president instead of Herriman, she fulfills Hootin' Andy's request to have a nocturnal sleep schedule.

Episode Appearances[]

Season 3[]

Season 4[]

Season 5[]

Season 6[]


  • His name is a play-on-words of the word "hootenanny".

