Gumbo is a chimp-like imaginary friend who is first seen in "Cuckoo for Coco Cards".
Gumbo is an imaginary friend who resembles a chimpanzee. He is dressed like a private investigator, with a white shirt, brown jacket, and maroon necktie.
Despite his deep voice and serious appearance, Gumbo sports many odd characteristics. He's fixated on his own height and likes mentioning it, and often asks others for their height for "future reference". His feet are encased in cinderblocks for reasons unknown (or, since he's an imaginary friend, his feet are the cinderblocks). He also loves gum, to the point where he'll even chew gum people have already chewed.
In "Cuckoo for Coco Cards", a mysterious imaginary friend addresses Bloo by his card trading name, "cardshockmasterb23," and states that Gumbo wished to speak with him.
Once Bloo gets to the basement, Gumbo promptly states his name and his height, and then presents a suitcase containing the entire collection of Coco Cards. Gumbo agrees to exchange this suitcase for all the gum that Bloo could find. Bloo proceeds to gather as much gum as he could from trash cans, underneath tables and bus seats, etc. and tries to make it look unused. He then brings all the gum back to Gumbo in a neatly stacked and shaped pile.
Gumbo examines a piece of gum and then starts to chew it. Gumbo then immediately crams all the rest of the gum that Bloo found into his mouth and then proceeds to blow a large bubble, one that was so large that it acted as a helium balloon, allowing Gumbo to be lifted off the ground and into the sky.
In "Bad Dare Day", Mac dares Gumbo to eat Bloppy Pants' Mexican cooking, to which he refuses, thinking that Bloppy Pants is a terrible cook.
Gumbo also cameos in "Let Your Hare Down" and "Goodbye to Bloo", with his signature being seen in the farewell card in the latter.
- Gumbo shares his name with a stew containing stock, thickener, meat, and vegetables. His name also fits him due to his affection for gum.