"Go Goo Go" is the seventh episode in season 3 of Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.
SPOILER: Plot details follow.
Mac is climbing a tree to get a toboggan down (caused by an incident Bloo was involved in). He asks Bloo how he got it up there and why he needs it in summer, with Bloo not giving a straight answer. Mac falls out of the tree with his backpack's strap ripping in the process, only to notice that he landed on a girl.
Mac gives her a bandage to fix her injury and apologizes for his landing. The girl suggests that he use a rucksack to replace his backpack and introduces herself as Goo, her full name being Goo Goo Ga Ga. When she notices Bloo, she suddenly imagines different versions of him that causes Bloo to get excited and join in on her fun. Suddenly, Frankie rushes in and quiets Goo, only for her mumbling to make more friends. Frankie asks why Goo is in Foster's and assumes Bloo is behind it. Bloo tells her Mac was responsible to her surprise. Mr. Herriman sees Goo to his horror and kicks her out. He and Frankie explain to Mac that her imagination gets out of hand and she creates imaginary friends at a rapid rate. They tell him not to let her in again to which he agrees.
Without his backpack to carry his stuff, Mac looks for Bloo to help him find something only to find Goo back in the house and playing her version of Checkers. She tells Mac that she thought about his "problem" and may have an idea, only to get distracted by other things and imagining new friends:
- A robot friend who lifts himself through the roof when helping Wilt fix the chandelier, causing it to shatter
- Miniature commuters popping up on Coco's airplane body as if they're catching a flight
- A giant monster that scares the daylight out of Eduardo
Mac gets Goo to stop and escorts her to the door so she can leave while holding hands with her. Frankie and Herriman throw her out and remind Mac that she was forbidden, calling Goo his girlfriend in the process. Shocked at the interpretation, Mac tries to explain Goo isn't his girlfriend, but they don't believe him. Goo tells Mac that she nicknamed Bloo "Chester", and she thinks Herriman looks like a badger. When she leaves, Mac dances excitedly thinking she won't be back, only for Bloo to remind him that she called him "Chester".
For a really long time, Goo keeps coming back to Foster's to hang out with Mac and create more friends. Eventually, the new friends overflow Foster's and everyone resorted to sleeping in the bus. Frankie states that since Mac can't convince Goo to stop coming, he is no longer allowed to come to Foster's, while still keeping their promise to let Bloo live there. As Mac departs the bus knowing he has been banned, Goo comes by telling him that she has something for him while blabbing non-stop.
Fed up with Goo's antics, Mac explodes and tells her that she is annoying and has been nothing but trouble and wants her to leave. Driven to tears, Goo drops the gift she had for him, which is revealed to be that she fixed his backpack and left him a note, thanking him for being her friend. She tells him that she creates so many imaginary friends because she doesn't have any real ones and doesn't want to be alone. Mac tells her that imaginary friends are real friends, and she just needs to take it easy on making them and she can appreciate them more. He then agrees to be friends with her, which cheers her up.
Time passes and Goo has started setting up adoptions for all her friends to make up for the trouble she caused, and Mac has been allowed back into Foster's. Bloo is upset that Goo hasn't made any new imaginary friends ever since, but Mac is happy that Goo has learned her lesson, even getting into some of the crazy stuff she likes to do.
During the end credits, two men are waiting for their flight. One of them spots the plane, only to reveal that they're a couple of the mini commuters Goo imagined, and their "plane" is actually Coco, who runs away as they give chase.
Running gags[]
- Goo calling Bloo “Chester”.
- Mac trying to talk to Goo, but she gets totally distracted.
- Bloo running and laughing wildly and crazily after Mac and Goo.
- Goo creating an imaginary friend or more to compare with the originals, such as Bloo, Wilt, Coco, and Eduardo.
- Mr. Herriman blaming Mac for not following the rule about keeping Goo away from Foster’s.
- Everyone thinking Goo is Mac's girlfriend.
- Mac confronting Goo for getting him in trouble.
- Goo calling Mr. Herriman a badger.
Spoilers end here.
Characters present[]
Bloo, Coco, Eduardo, Frankie Foster, Goo, Mac, Mr. Herriman, Willy Nilly, Wilt
Madame Foster
- This is the first episode to feature Goo and Willy Nilly, the former of whom would be further established the following season.
- When Mac tells Bloo that Goo is gone, he does the same dance as in "House of Bloo's" after Bloo drops the vase on Terrence.
- It's obvious that Goo's parents are incompetent when it comes to raising her, from her name, forcing her to get rid of her imaginary friends due to not keeping her creativity under control, and her obviously having trouble focusing for more than one minute.
- The animation of Eduardo running away from Goo's imagined monster was recycled from "Bloooo".
- In 2006, Scholastic printed a book based on this episode. The following moments were removed from the book.
- Goo mentioning persimmons as one of the things rucksacks were used to carry
- Bloo eating the cookies
- Frankie trying to hush Goo and blaming Bloo for letting her in
- Willy Nilly's cameo
- Goo calling Bloo "Chester" and assuming Mr. Herriman is a badger
- Bloo running around the house and giggling while following Goo
- Mac trying to explain to Frankie and Herriman that Goo is not his girlfriend and them not believing him
- Goo visiting Foster's on a rainy day and on Christmas on the page based on her visit montage (NOTE: The picture of her visiting on the 4th of July is during the day, when in the episode, it was at night)
- Goo telling Mac that the others are on the bus
- Mr. Herriman telling Mac that Bloo can still live at Foster's so long as he never returns
- Bloo being disappointed in Goo not making any new imaginary friends since she started finding homes for all the ones she previously created
- The scene during the credits where the mini-commuters wait for Coco
Cultural references[]
- The title is a reference to the book Go, Dog. Go! by P. D. Eastman.