Imagination Companions, A Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends Wiki
Imagination Companions, A Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends Wiki

The transcript of Foster's Goes to Europe


Act 1[]


Act 2[]


Act 3[]

FRANKIE: Grandma, we're home!

HERRIMAN: Oh, Master Mac. I'm most upset by your careless behavior. (Herriman rips the null and void schedule into tiny bite-sized pieces.) My schedule is null and void.

COCO: Co! Coco coco co! ("Way to lose the tickets, Mac!")

EDUARDO: (Imitating Paco) I es muy disappointed in you, Senor Mac.

[Eduardo glares at Mac with a growl and storms off.]

Wilt: (crying) Usually, I can forgive anything but I'm sorry. This is going to take me a while. Is that okay? (Runs to his room crying)

Bloo: Real nice, Mac. Do you know how long I've been looking forward to this trip? I wouldn't give it up for the world! (Whispers) For the world!

Mac: But they were in my backpack. I swear.

Post-Credits Scene[]

Eurotrish (singing): Oh, here I am, I am home at last! Oh, familia, let me in! Take me into your warming place!

Eurotrish's creator: Stop with the singing! Stop with the singing! Why do you think we sent you away in the first place?

Eurotrish (walking away depressed): I'm going to America.
