Imagination Companions, A Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends Wiki

Don Lickles is a tongue-footed imaginary friend who appears in a few episodes of the show.


Don Lickles is a pink cyclops imaginary friend whose feet are made of tongues. He wears glasses with only one lens, as well as a white suit and blue necktie.


Don Lickles' only speaking role is in "Who Let the Dogs In?", where, after Ringo Rango feels Chewy lick his leg, Don ends up getting slapped by him. Don then gets annoyed because he thinks Ringo is going to blame his tongue-feet. In the episode's end-credits scene, Don gets disgusted because his tongue-feet are touching the dirty floor, but then becomes pleased when he steps on some spilled juice.

After not appearing for over two seasons, Don reappears in "The Big Cheese". When Cheese orders everyone to lick their feet, Don's mouth- and foot-tongue end up meeting.

In "Bad Dare Day", Don Lickles dares Mac to put his tongue-foot into the latter's mouth. Mac accepts, to Don's shock and everyone else's disgust.

Episode Appearances[]

Season 1[]

Season 2[]


Season 3[]


Season 4[]

Season 5[]

Season 6[]


  • His name is a pun on the late American comedian and actor Don Rickles.

