Imagination Companions, A Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends Wiki

Chris is a pizza delivery boy who first appears in "Frankie My Dear".


Chris is an average teenager. He has a peach-hair mustache and acne scouring his face. His outfit consists of black pants and red-and-blue cap and jacket.


In "Frankie My Dear", after delivering pizza to Foster's, Chris quickly develops a crush on Frankie after Bloo falsely stated that she was in love with him. He later works together with Mac, Bloo, and Prince Charming to sabotage her date with Dylan Lee. In their plan, Chris is part of Orlando Bloo's body.

Chris also cameos in "The Sweet Stench of Success" "My Friend Frankie" and "Goodbye to Bloo".


  • In the Latinoamerican dub of the series, he is called "Babotas" (Spanish for Fool) by Bloo.
    • In the same episode, he tells Bloo that his name is "Cesario" (Spanish for Caesar).
  • In the short "Give Pizza a Chance", he is called Quinn.