Imagination Companions, A Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends Wiki

"Cheese a Go-Go" is the first episode of season 5 of Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. It served as the first chapter of the Cartoon Network Invaded programming stunt.


SPOILER: Plot details follow.

Frankie Foster has several errands to run that will take her all over town and a grandmother who is always calling her cell phone with instructions. However, when she sees Cheese running around outside the post office, yelling about how he's "Gotta go!", she can't help but wonder what he's doing. When Cheese runs onto the streets, she makes up her mind to ensure he's in good shape and lets him ride in the bus so that he won't end up injured.

However, this turns out to be a terrible decision, as Cheese's blend of already dumb and erratic behavior is cranked up to eleven. Not only that, but he's near impossible to keep contained. Things quickly escalate when Frankie pulls up to the movie theater that is showing a movie titled Brain Sucking Aliens From the Moon, to pick up Mac and Bloo only for Cheese to take the opportunity to escape. This leads to a massive chase through the movie theater that leaves a popcorn machine's contents contaminated and the concession stand completely destroyed. Mac tries to trap Cheese under an empty popcorn bucket, but Cheese quickly escapes and invertedly wrecks the concession stand more.

Frankie arrives at theater room 14 and tries to locate Bloo, but learns that she's interrupted a climactic part of the film, featuring an abduction and brain-sucking going on. This search not only agitates the audience, but Madame Foster won't stop contacting Frankie with more instructions about being late. Things quickly escalate even further when the newly freed Cheese escapes and, covered in slippery butter flavoring, rushes into the theater and disrupts the movie. Bloo, never one to refuse this from not getting attention from him, throws a chili dog at Frankie, adding to the chaos.

Soon after, Frankie, Cheese, Bloo, and Mac hit the road in the bus, with Bloo lacking a good mood because he missed the end of his movie, and Cheese more hyper than ever. Once again, Frankie has to reassure Madame Foster that she won't be late, as she has just one more errand to run. Upon arriving at the dentist's clinic, Coco berates Frankie to show her that she was late. Just like at the movie theater, Cheese uses this opportunity and runs into the dentist's office, where a woozy and overly affectionate Eduardo is unintentionally terrorizing everyone else at this clinic. After another hectic chase that leaves the already severely damaged clinic in ruins, Cheese uses refuge behind a TV set, where Mac and Coco's efforts to reach him are in vain. Frankie finally reaches the dentist, who tells her that she must arrive before the anesthesia wears down because the dentists have to use twice the amount of anesthesia on Eduardo. While she goes to talk to her grandmother again, Bloo wanders in, refusing to pay attention to the insanity at the clinic, and begins reading a magazine. However, he soon ends up shocked, as this magazine has a story of an alien invasion, and the alien in the picture resembles Cheese. At that moment, Eduardo blurts out a sentence that is coincidentally like in the movie he and Mac were watching before, making Bloo come to a sickening conclusion.

Once again, Frankie is driving the bus with Mac, Bloo, Cheese, Coco, and Eduardo. In one of the bus's back seats, Bloo tries to show Mac that with the magazine article where alien invaders give these alien hitmen these missions to cause an alien invasion and Cheese is one of these invader's hitmen. This quickly makes Mac fed up with Bloo's outrageousness and throws the magazine out the window to get him to shut up. Meanwhile, an ill-tempered Frankie warns her grandmother over her phone that she is currently on her way to her.

Madame Foster does not appreciate her granddaughter's tone of voice, but it seems that she does not have a choice, as she is currently in court at the moment. To make matters worse, her legal defense is Wilt, who can't do much to stall the judge so that her witnesses can arrive. While the defendant, Madame Foster, may be out of options, however, the plaintiff, Jackie Khones, is ready. Upon hearing the accusations leveled at her, Madame Foster can't help but angrily contest them, which unfortunately leads the judge to call for order. After full testimony is given, wherein it is revealed that the argument is over a tuna fish sandwich, the judge turns to questioning the plaintiff. As it turns out, the plaintiff did not make the sandwich, did not have the sandwich made for him, and did not eat the other half of the sandwich; however, he claims ownership on the basis that he wrote his name on it in mustard. While the judge is clearly unconvinced by this testimony, the defendant's lack of present witnesses or evidence means that he must decide in favor of Jackie, and awards Mr. Khones a tuna fish sandwich with chips and a soda.

Now that the case is over, the Foster's bus finally pulls up to the courthouse. Frankie, barely realizing that they're too late, instructs Coco and Mac, two of the witnesses, to come in with her. Against these ideas and despite Bloo's protests about Cheese being an alien, she lets Bloo stay with Cheese and an incapacitated Eduardo and instructs him to refuse to let any of them, including Bloo himself, exit the bus without Frankie, Coco, and Mac.

Despite being unable to depart from the bus, though, Bloo still realizes a way to blow the cover off of the aliens' operation and plans to do so with the bus radio. Unfortunately for him, Cheese is still hyper and almost foils his plans. Thinking quickly, he uses Eduardo's belt to lasso Cheese and has Eduardo hold on to Cheese. Going back to the radio, he tries once again to contact the aliens, but only manages to get a hobo looking for actual cheese. Annoyed that the signal is too weak, he decides to set off and find some way to get his message out to the aliens. However, after he rips out the radio and gets ready to go, he realizes that Eduardo and Cheese have disappeared from the bus through the emergency exit.

The rest of the group arrives a few minutes later only to find that Eduardo, Cheese, and Bloo have all left the bus. To make matters worse, Frankie has unwittingly parked in a "No Parking" zone, and the bus is towed away. The only one who is not upset by this development is Jackie, who announces that he feels like celebrating and suggests they go for sandwiches. The only ones who take him up on his offer are Coco and the police officer, and they leave to get sandwiches. Thinking quickly, Frankie comes up with a plan: Mac and Madame Foster will get the bus back; She and Wilt will find Bloo, Cheese, and Eduardo. The group then splits up to undertake their various missions.

Of course, Frankie and Wilt aren't the only ones looking for Cheese; Bloo is looking for him as well and is, unfortunately, the first to find him. Having captured Cheese, he then looks around for a suitable broadcasting spot and ultimately settles on the town observatory, which is located on the side of a mountain. He starts his journey toward it while Mac and Madame Foster are stuck at the courthouse. Madame Foster is still angry about the ruling in her sandwich case, and when it turns out that she'll have to go to court again to get the bus back, she becomes furious. When she ends up in front of the same judge, she attempts to attack him in a fit of rage.

While Mac and Madame Foster have no luck at getting the bus back, Wilt has better luck at finding Eduardo. Of course, in his case, it's not so hard, as he finds the source of some of the chaos downtown. A still loopy Eduardo is the one causing it, although in this case, it's everybody else taking his overly affectionate actions as those of a rampaging monster. This leads to an awkward conversation between Eduardo and Wilt, which ends when Eduardo sees more people and wants to give them kisses. This leads to a chase with people running from Eduardo, with Wilt giving chase in an attempt to stop him. The chase leads them past a parked patrol car, which brings up the rear upon seeing the commotion.

Frankie, meanwhile, is wandering around town looking for Cheese, Eduardo, and Bloo, and lamenting the unfortunate decision to pick up Cheese that got her into this mess. At that moment, a loud announcement about how the aliens should get some cheese splits the air, and Frankie realizes where Bloo and Cheese are: in the observatory. She then proceeds to climb up the mountain and finds that Bloo has tied up two scientists, taken over the observatory controls, made sure Cheese can't run off and is broadcasting over the city with the bus radio. Angrily, she grabs Cheese and the radio and sets off to take Cheese home over Bloo's protests. Then, in perhaps the only stroke of good luck for her today, she is dragged away from the observatory by Cheese just before the police show up.

By the time Frankie finally gets Cheese home to Louise, night has fallen, and she is exhausted, battered and bruised, and carrying Cheese in a trash can. When Cheese is released, he starts bouncing around Louise's living room, yelling "Gotta go" once again. At this point, Frankie approaches Louise and asks her where Cheese has to go. Unfortunately, even Louise doesn't know, and Frankie is too exhausted to chase Cheese any further. Just as Frankie starts leaving Louise's apartment, she gets a phone call from Madame Foster explaining that she and everyone else are spending the night in jail.

As it turns out, the authorities took almost everyone right to jail, and Madame Foster has just used a phone call to tell Frankie to pick them up. Wilt, meanwhile, is busy comforting Eduardo, whose anesthetic high has disappeared and been replaced with shame over the fact that everyone saw his tushy and knows he is fat. Bloo is still overcome with delusions of grandeur, sure that he saved the day and people just don't know it yet. Soon, the cell door opens, and Jackie Khones and Coco are pushed in by the policeman, who now has a black eye. According to Jackie, the policeman expected him to buy all three of them sandwiches rather than him paying for one himself – a presumption that led Jackie to punch the cop.

Meanwhile, up at the observatory, things seem to have gotten back to normal. Of course, the scientists are still confused as to why anyone would do something so stupid as to try and contact space with a ham radio, as something like that would have no chance of working. However, at that moment, a signal comes in from outer space that, when deciphered, is a repeated chant of "Cheese". It seems as if Bloo's plan to contact the aliens did work; however, as an attempt to scare them off, it may have failed utterly, as the aliens are coming and desiring cheese.

In the credits, Frankie is about to leave Foster's in her grandma's vehicle while speaking to her on the phone, telling her that she's coming to pick her up from jail, when Cheese dashes by still saying, "Gotta go!" But this time, she doesn't go after him, as she refuses a repeat of the incident the previous day.

Spoilers end here.


CNInvadedCheeseagogo-title edited

Title card used for Cartoon Network Invaded

  • Starting with this episode, the show's intro has a much more angular look, on account of the switch from 4:3 to 16:9.
  • This was the first episode of the show produced in 2007.
  • This episode fittingly premiered on Star Wars Day, despite the fact that the holiday wouldn't be an actual thing until 4 years later.
  • This is the first episode for the rest of the series to be originally made in 16:9 widescreen; the 4:3 fullscreen version of "Good Wilt Hunting" was cropped into widescreen.
  • The werewolf in the tabloid newspaper resembles Wilt when he turned into a werewolf in Mac's movie in "One False Movie", which would later be seen in a flashback in the Halloween episode "Nightmare on Wilson Way".
  • In this episode, Cheese said "Gotta go" more than 545 times.
    • Cheese says "Noooo!" once, but other than that, the only thing he says is "Gotta go".
  • Sally from "Emancipation Complication" makes a cameo in this episode at the dentist.
  • Dylan from "Frankie My Dear" makes a cameo when Frankie goes to the movie theatre to look for Bloo.
  • This episode reveals that whenever Eduardo goes to the dentist, he is given twice the normal amount of anesthesia in order to sleep in order for the dentist to work on him and that he must be picked up while he is asleep or else the effective makes him dizzy.
  • The reasons why the authorities took the characters right to jail:
    • Bloo: The guiltiest. He illegally used a space observatory intercom to call out for aliens to take Cheese away, as well as tied up the scientists, embarrassing the observatory and Frankie.
    • Mac: No known reason. It was possibly because he was with Madame Foster, and as he was restraining Madame Foster to stop her from attacking the judge; the officers might have come to the conclusion that Mac was fighting with Madame Foster and he was accused of contempt of court as well.
    • Eduardo: He was unknowingly causing city-wide panic and overall creating a public disturbance by kissing random citizens.
    • Wilt: He was seen with Eduardo. The police probably thought he was chasing the people as well.
    • Coco: She was with Khones, and possibly encouraged or provoked Jackie to punch the policeman when the argument got worse.
    • Jackie Khones: Punched a policeman in the eye when the policeman wanted him to buy him a sandwich.
    • Madame Foster: She committed contempt of court to insult the judge when he said a sarcastic comment about the lost lawsuit in which Jackie Khones sued her for eating a sandwich. Also, for an attempt of physical aggression against the judge after that he ordered her arrest.
    • Also, if you analyze the facts, the other characters were arrested because of Bloo, as his actions caused indirectly some of the characters ending up in trouble and arrested:
      • Mac and Madame Foster: possibly due to the actions of Bloo of using the intercom of the bus to "contact" the aliens for Cheese; he attracted the attention of the people toward the bus, and possibly among of them, the attention of the policeman that called the tow truck to tow the bus for being in a "no parking zone", causing their bus to be towed immediately when the group was returning to it, making that Mac and Madame Foster should return to the courtroom to retrieve the bus. But as Madame Foster was still angry for losing the lawsuit and that the judge said a sarcastic comment regarding it, she insulted the judge, committing contempt of court, causing the judge to order her arrest, and also Mac was arrested by possibly being accused of attacking Madame Foster to contain her when she tries to attack the judge.
      • Wilt and Eduardo: due to Bloo neglecting Eduardo when he supposedly should have watched him and simply abandoning him to be focused on Cheese, Eduardo ended up in the streets, scaring to the people and causing panic, making Wilt come to stop him before he could do something that he regrets. But both were seen by policemen, leading to them both being arrested.
      • Jackie Khones and Coco: due to the actions of Bloo, the bus ends up towed, but Jackie and Coco end up traveling together with the policeman to go buy sandwiches instead of helping the others. And due to a misunderstanding, the policeman thought that Jackie would buy him a sandwich, possibly causing an argument that culminated with Jackie punching the policeman, getting himself and Coco arrested and Madame Foster very satisfied.
  • The shows that participated in the Cartoon Network Invaded series and their respective wikis:

Cultural references[]

  • Bloo's tabloid newspaper says "Werewolves in London" on it. This is a reference to Warren Zevon's song, "Werewolves of London". The newspaper's name, the World Weekly News, is a play off the Weekly World News, a weekly newspaper that had outrageous fictional stories which ceased publication in 2007.
  • One of the scientists strongly resembles the fictional character Napoleon Dynamite.
  • The title is a reference to the infamous 1965 movie, Monster A Go-Go.
  • When Frankie goes to pick up Coco and Eduardo from the dentist, Loud Kiddington from Histeria! can be seen.
  • The observatory seen in this episode is similar to the observatory seen in another one of creator Craig McCracken's shows, The Powerpuff Girls.
  • Fred Fredburger from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy can be seen in the jury.
  • Among the packages Frankie sends at the beginning of the episode, one of them seen in the opening frame is addressed to Saul Malone, the main character of [adult swim]’s Saul of the Mole Men, which former Foster’s writer Craig Lewis created.


  • In Madame Foster's court case, the only people present were Wilt, Madame Foster, Jackie Khones and the judge (and, to a lesser extent, Fred Fredburger). It is a federal law that several of the city's citizens be present there (jury duty). This page uses Creative Commons Licensed content from Wikipedia (view authors).
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
Characters Main CharactersSecondary Characters
MacBlooFrankieMadame FosterGooWiltCocoEduardoMr. HerrimanCheese Jackie
Media Episodes and DVD releases
Movies/Specials House of Bloo'sA Lost ClausGood Wilt HuntingCheese a Go-Go
Nightmare on Wilson WayRace for Your Life Mac & Bloo
Destination ImaginationGoodbye to Bloo
Games Big Fat Awesome House PartyFoster's Home for Imaginary FriendsImagination InvadersFoster's Home for Imaginary Friends Didj
Creators Craig McCrackenLauren Faust