Imagination Companions, A Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends Wiki

Charlie Chicken Leg is an imaginary friend featured in the episode "Dinner is Swerved".


Charlie is an imaginary friend who resembles a large fried chicken drumstick with large eyes, skinny, black arms and hands with four appendages just below his head and skinny, black legs attached to his exposed bone.


Because of the circumstances of his creation (being imagined by a starving child in a weight loss program), Charlie seems to be very hostile and paranoid, thinking everyone else is his enemy due to the fact that he is actually edible.


When Bloo, in a feeding frenzy, first saw Charlie, he thought he was Mac and tried to eat him for dinner, cornering him. It wasn't until Mac tried to stop him for Bloo to realize it was someone different. Mac asks why he isn't at dinner, and he responds that others try to eat him, with him pointing to his friend, George the cookie. Charlie, however, does know how to get downstairs, because, according to him, you have to become the enemy to find the enemy. Mac asks Charlie for help to guide him back to the first floor so they could have dinner, and he accepts, as long as Mac keeps Bloo under control, but only after a few minutes Bloo restarts his frenzy and tries eating Charlie all over again, making Charlie run off again.

Charlie later meets up with Wilt, Coco and Eduardo and they chase him to the roof. The latter three look at Mac's apartment on the roof while Charlie hangs onto the foster home's flag. When wondering if they can get downstairs, Charlie accidentally reveals that he knows the way.


  • His attitude seems to be very similar to a soldier who had survived a war, with a high amount of paranoia much like PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder) and having flashbacks of dark times.
  • When Bloo first saw him, he thought he was a hallucination created from his hunger, thus believing he was Mac. Despite this, he was more than willing to eat him.
  • A chicken leg imaginary friend, with no visible arms, can be seen in "Challenge of the Superfriends" and "Neighbor Pains", but whether or not this friend is Charlie is unknown.
  • Charlie's signature can be seen in the farewell card in the episode "Goodbye to Bloo".

