Imagination Companions, A Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends Wiki

Bingo is an imaginary friend who appears in a few episodes throughout the series starting in season 3.


Bingo is a yellow dog-like imaginary friend who wears a pair of white underwear and a green hat.


Bingo made his debut in "Cuckoo for Coco Cards". Bloo has collected almost every Coco Card in existence, with the exception of one: the Bloo card. When he realizes this, Mac yells out, "Bingo!", but Bloo tells him that he already has Bingo's card. Bloo spots a Bloo card in the spokes of Eduardo's bicycle and yells, "Bingo!" Bingo then appears thinking that Bloo was addressing him. Bingo has since made occasional non-speaking cameos.

In the short, "Hide and Bloo Seek", Bingo teaches a game called "Kick the Trash Bag" to Fluffer Nutter. They repeatedly kick the trash bag that Bloo is hiding in. Madame Foster and Eduardo join in later on.

In "Destination Imagination", Frankie is seen carrying groceries inside. She drops an apple, and with her hands full, she asks Bingo for help. Bingo simply shoves the apple into her mouth instead and walks on.

Episode Appearances[]

Season 3[]

Season 4[]

Season 5[]


Season 6[]

