Imagination Companions, A Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends Wiki

"Berry Scary" is the 12th episode of Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.


SPOILER: Plot details follow.

The episode begins with Frankie, Coco, and Eduardo watching The Loved and the Loveless, a soap opera, and while they are watching it, Bloo stumbles across their path with a paddle ball. He discusses how he is going to break a record with Mac until Frankie shoos him into the hallway for blocking the TV. The doorbell rings and Frankie is forced to answer it, much to her dismay as she was in the middle of watching the show. The former finds that the guest is a pink little female imaginary friend, Berry, who's moving in with her own luggage. Because of how cute Berry looks and talks, Frankie finds her very intriguing, takes her mind off the soap opera and properly introduces her to Foster's.

When Frankie and Berry start discussing over Berry not wanting to be a burden imposing others to carry her luggage, Bloo comes in and talks about how one of his favorite things to do is being a burden as he's practicing paddle ball. Berry instantly falls in love with Bloo. Frankie gives Berry a tour of the house and then Berry claims she wants to sit next to Bloo in the dining room, and kindly asks that Frankie lower the room occupancy. Frankie helps Berry out by clearing the whole dinner room save Bloo by inviting them for a new The Loved and the Loveless episode. Berry watches Bloo eat chocolate cake for his world record, then scares away a friend who tried taking away Bloo's seat with her fiery temper.

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Bloo doesn't care much about Berry and often gets her name wrong, and even as he unknowingly praises her through minor complements for her snickerdoodles and able to capture his "quiet intensity" with her camera photography, he still shows very little interest in her, but she thinks that he loves her as well. When Mac arrives, Bloo wants to spend all of his time playing with Mac, and Berry starts to become envious of Mac, and then starts to separate Mac and Bloo by taking away Mac's place in helping Bloo break world records. At the end of the day, Mac tells Berry that he comes to Foster's every day, so Berry knows she will have to use a long-term solution instead of a short-term one.


Berry decides to tell Bloo that Mac is ruining his record breaking attempts, and he eventually tells Mac that he cannot participate in the record-breaking goal. Mac storms home, but later remembers that he loves Bloo because of his craftiness and easy-going character. He understands that Bloo is easily manipulated, so he goes back to try to win Bloo over. Meanwhile, Berry makes a huge rubber band ball, in which she is going to put on, with Bloo, the last rubber band to finish the record. Mac cuts the rubber band with a pair of scissors and tells Berry that she, in fact, is the one who doesn't belong. Mac and Bloo finish the rubber band ball, with a spare band that Mac brought, and they trap Berry on the side of the rubber band ball. Berry throws a tantrum and calls out Bloo as a traitor who is supposed to love her and be with her. Bloo refutes that he loves her and calls her Heather. Berry snaps and screams her name over and over, causing the ball to become unstable and roll out of the house with her screaming.

Mac and Bloo make up, but Bloo ends up forgetting that the whole thing ever occurred. Later, when they are watching the news, Berry ends up breaking another world record for traveling the furthest while being stuck on the rubber band ball, at which Bloo and Mac get really upset (although Bloo completely forgot they even made the rubber band ball, asking why he and Mac didn't think of that idea, to Mac's annoyance).

Running gags[]

  • Whenever some kind of music or musical cue is heard, it is then revealed where the music is coming from.
  • Bloo getting Berry's name wrong and calling her something that sounds similar (and Heather).

Spoilers end here.

Characters present[]

Berry, Bloo, Chandelier, Coco, Eduardo, Frankie Foster, Mac, Mr. Herriman, Ramone, Slade Brockwell, Terrence, Wilt

Belly Bob Norton, Boris the Florist, Burple Bear, Galoot Palooka, George Mucus, Jethro Precious, Keystone Blop, Madame Mustachio, Moptop, Mr. Edmonton, Myron Giant, One-Eye Cat, One Eye Cy, Pinecone Cola, Ringo Rango, Rodney Squiddlebeak, Sassyfrass, Sunset Junction, Vic Trolla


  • This is the first time that Mac is seen barefoot.
  • This is the first episode where one of the eight main characters is absent, Madame Foster in this case.
  • List of world records Mac, Bloo and Berry attempted:
    • Most paddle ball hits
    • Most clothespins attached to body
    • Longest time on a seesaw
    • Most ice cream eaten
      • Although Mac doesn't eat sugar; he was seen serving ice cream for Bloo.
    • Longest time of breath held underwater
    • Largest pizza made
    • Most plates balanced on head while on stilts
    • World's largest rubber band ball
  • This episode marks the first appearances of Berry and Ramone.


  • When Berry first shows Bloo her scrapbook, the back cover has "B + B" with an upside-down heart on it, but all later shots show the back cover as blank.
  • When Berry is looking through her scrapbook, the left page has the photo of Bloo eating a snickerdoodle, while the right page has a blank photo. When she shows Bloo the pages, however, the two photos swap pages.