"All Zapped Up" is the third short of Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.
One day, Bloo is seen waiting for a new video game he ordered online when Frankie accidentally drops a sock. Retrieving it for her, Bloo is accidentally shocked by it. Frankie reveals that she ran out of fabric softener, thus all the laundry is full of static electricity. Bloo doesn't get this, so Frankie simplifies, "You get electricity when you rub stuff together." Testing out the electricity on an unwitting Frankie, Bloo quickly becomes amused by the static electricity and goes around shocking all of his friends, including Wilt, Madame Foster, Coco, and Jackie Khones. Bloo, however, quickly runs out of electricity when attempting to shock Mr. Herriman, and he goes off to supercharge himself with as much static as possible. After charging himself up as much as possible, Bloo shocks Eduardo and is prepared to continue shocking everyone until he learns that his video game has arrived. When retrieving it though, Bloo gets a taste of his own medicine as now he's unable to open the door to get his game as he keeps getting shocked by the door's metal handle, to Frankie's amusement.
Characters present[]
Bingo, Bloo, Coco, Eduardo, Frankie Foster, Jackie Khones, Madame Foster, Mr. Herriman, Sunset Junction, Wilt